How Does Organization Help My Student In School

Organization is one of the best way to start improving your student’s study skills. Organizing can be applied to multiple different areas of your student’s life, and it will start to improve more than just academic scores.  Here are some of the benefits of students becoming more organized.     Organization saves time   Taking…

Nine Fun Ways to Promote Literacy This Summer

Improving literacy through engaging interaction is a wonderful way to immerse your child into the world of learning. We have compiled nine fun and easy ways to help your learner start on the right track to literacy.  Create a Book Wall Have your child draw a new cover of a book she just read, based…

Self-Awareness and Academic Success

When students are aware of themselves, they are able to enjoy more success in most areas of their lives, including academics.  Self-awareness gives students the ability to act independently, direct their own learning, be internally motivated, act intentionally, and be true to who they are.  They also have a resilience that allows them to handle…

Reading with a Child

5 Ways to Encourage Your Budding Reader

All kids have the potential to love reading, even if they don’t know it yet. If you find it difficult to get your child reading for enjoyment, try out some of our tips to get your young student more excited about reading.   Encourage activities requiring reading Bake a treat, and have your new reader…