27 Ways a Tutor Could Help Right Now

As we adjust to school closures and changes in learning environments, we would like to provide a user-friendly collection of free, online resources in each subject area. The following list is for online math resources that students can use to practice math facts, play math games, and understand more complex concepts like geometry and pre-calculus. Some of these sites are free all of the time, and some are offering limited accessibility during this time of need.
- Accurate Learning Systems Corporation– provides practice for math facts
- Arcademics– provides multiplayer math games
- Bedtime Math– offers math problems, activities, and hands-on games
- Boddle Learning– offers engaging math activities for grades 1-6
- CanFigureIt Geometry– provides interactive tool to practice proofs and exercise deductive reasoning skills
- Check Math– offers students the ability to pinpoint where they went wrong on problems
- Colosky’s Math Academy– offers pre-recorded and live math classes for grades 5-12
- Coolmath.com– offers explanations of topics like algebra, pre-calculus, and more
- Coolmath4Kids– provides an amusement park of games and lessons for students aged 12 and under
- ExploreLearning Gizmos– provides gizmos, online simulations that invite interaction, for math and science topics for grades 3-12
- ExploreLearning Reflex– offers an adaptive and individualized system to master basic math facts for grades 2-6
- Johnnie’s Math Page– offers math games organized by grade and subject
- Mathigon– provides a visual, interactive textbook for middle school and high school math
- MathLight– provides video lessons with guided notes for pre-algebra and algebra
- Math Playground– provides math games and videos for grades 1-6
- HudaMath– provides a site full of fun and interactive math games for all ages.
- Times Tables Rock Stars– offers fun multiplication and division games
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